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Yoren is a brother of the Night's Watch. He wanders the Seven Kingdoms serving as a recruiter. He is killed by the men of Ser Amory Lorch.

Appearance and Character[]

Yoren is stooped. He has a twisted shoulder, the remnants of an injury that left him unable to fight. His coarse, ugly features are hidden by a matted black beard. He is lice ridden and smells foul. His clothes are old and have faded to grey.

He is loyal and trustworthy, if unrefined. He believes in the rules and the order of the Night's Watch, lamenting the fact that it isn't treated with the same honour that it used to be.


Yoren suffered a shoulder injury that made it difficult for him to fight . He has since spent most of his life wandering the Seven Kingdoms as a recruiter. He frequently visits Winterfell, meaning that he knows various members of House Stark.


A Game of Thrones[]

Yoren joins up with the company consisting of Benjen Stark, Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. He brings two rapers from the Three Sisters that have chosen the Wall over castration. He skins a squirrel for a stew.

He accompanies Tyrion on his journey south from Castle Black, arriving at Winterfell as part of his company. There, he provides updates to Robb and Bran Stark on the fates of their half-brother, Jon Snow, and their uncle, Benjen Stark. Robb gets angry at Yoren's suggestion that their uncle is dead, but Yoren seems unimpressed by his rage.

Later on, he arrives at King's Landing, telling Eddard Stark for more recruits and tells him about Catelyn imprisoning Tyrion. Before Yoren leaves, Eddard is imprisoned and killed for treason, as Yoren covers Arya.

A Clash of Kings[]

Yoren starts to march north with the new recruits and planning to bring Arya to Winterfell. While being in a holdfast in the night, Amory Lorch attacks them, thinking they work for Beric Donderarrion. Arya flees the fight, but Yoren keeps fighting, killing at least four men.

The next morning, Gendry and Arya arrive again at the holdfast, seeing Yorens skull is split by an axe, with four men surrounding him.
