“ | The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home.
— Wyman Manderly
” |
Wyman Manderly is the head of House Manderly.
Appearance and Personality[]
Wyman is an extremely plump man, lending the numerous nicknames he has.
Wyman portrays himself as a spineless oaf, which belies his high intelligence and bravery. More often than not, he is able to events, as with garnering the release of his son by manipulating the Iron Throne into believing he'd executed Davos Seaworth. Wyman is an extremely proud man, in regards to his family, especially his daughters, whom he sees as braver than any others. He holds the Freys in contempt for their treachery, and never forgets the debt of allegiance owed to House Stark by his house and name.
Stannis Baratheon sends Davos to treat with Wyman and recruit him and his forces. However, Davos is instead arrested and sent to a prison. Wyman uses this and claims to have executed Stannis' right hand in order to earn his son's freedom, a ploy which works. In secret, Wyman is actually working with Davos and indeed joins his cause, provided Stannis helps Rickon Stark.
Wyman later heads to Winterfell to attend Ramsay Bolton's marriage to Arya Stark's wedding (actually Jeyne Poole in disguise). When his travel companions, the three Frey boys go missing, many suspect Wyman of foul play, something he denies fervently, instead offering up three pies as a wedding gift.
When more deaths occur in Winterfell, including another Frey, Manderly is high on the suspect list and is nearly killed.
“ | My son Wendel came to the the Twins a guest. He ate Lord Walder's bread and salt, and hung his sword upon the wall to feast with friends. And they murdered him. Murdered, I say, and may the Freys choke upon their fables. I drink with Jared, jape with Symond, promise Rhaegar the hand of my own beloved granddaughter ... but never think that means I have forgotten. The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home.
— Wyman Manderly
” |
“ | Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he lived he would have grown up to be a Frey.
— Wyman Manderly, on the death of Little Walder Frey
” |