A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki
A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

After killing his father, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister flees Westeros with Varys,Bronn,and another sellsword named Red Denys. The four arrive in Pentos at morning,finding it ruined in some places as if by great fire. A merchant named Kyrano tells them that bands of looters,desiring a Targaryen restoration.have sacked the homes of prominent anti-Targaryen nobles. Tyrion thinks on how the old order has changed.

Arriving at the manse of Illyrio Mopatis,disguised as Volantene tradesmen,the group learns more rumors. Supposedly House Bolton is facing rebellion from Northern lords who have besieged Winterfell and are led by Stannis Baratheon and Sansa Stark. It is said that Aegon VI Targaryen has declared himself in Lys and means to land in Sunspear. Illyrio buys Tyrion a Dornish slave woman named Midge to warm his bed at night,but Tyrion refuses so as to seek Daenerys I Targaryen.
