Ten Towers is the modern ancestral seat of House Harlaw. The current lord of the castle is Rodrik Harlaw.
Ten Towers is the newest castle of the Iron Islands. It was built by Lord Theomore Harlaw, who blamed the dampness of Harlaw Hall, the old Harlaw seat, for the deaths of three infant sons. Theomore was indecisive, however, so built ten separate keeps, which were connected by bridges and walkways.
Whilst in her youth, Asha Greyjoy preferred spending her time at Ten Towes than the Greyjoy seat of Pyke. She enjoyed racing on the walkways, and reading in her uncle's vast library,
Locations in the Castle[]
The Main Hall[]
The main hall of Ten Towers is where the high seat of House Harlaw sits. Above the seat hang two giant scythes made of silver,
The Widow's Tower[]
The tower is named after Rodrik's sister, Gwynesse Harlaw, who resides there. Gwynesse was widowed during the Battle of Fair Isle, and returned to Ten Towers, where she grieved her loss.
The Book Tower[]
The Book Tower is the fattest of the ten towers of Ten Towers. It is octagonal, and made up of large stone blocks. It is the location of Rodrik's library. It used to house septons, who would care for Rodrik's books.
A Feast for Crows[]
Lord Baelor Blacktyde visits Ten Towers to consult Rodrik on what will happen at Old Wyk. Botleys, Myres, Stonetrees, and Volmarks gather at Ten Towers to support Asha. Ser Harras Harlaw, Hotho Harlaw, Boremund Harlaw, and Sigfryd Harlaw all gather at Ten Towers to support her, also. Asha meets with the castles steward, Three-Tooth, and her mother, Alannys Harlaw, who has returned to the castle, before having Lady Sybelle Glover and her children quartered in one of the keeps. Rodrik offers to name Asha heir to Ten Towers, but she chooses to push her claim on the Seastone Chair.
A Dance with Dragons[]
After Euron Greyjoy is chosen as King of the Iron Islands, Asha flees to Ten Towers. She leaves Gawen and Erena Glover there, but takes Sybelle with her as she flees to Deepwood Motte.