The small council is the primary advisory body of government for the Seven Kingdoms. It advises the King on all important matters and implements policy.
- The King's Hand leads the council and takes policy decisions to the King for approval.
- The master of laws, latterly renamed the justicar, is the head of justice and laws for the Seven Kingdoms.
- The master of coin, latterly renamed the lord treasurer, manages the treasury and finances of the kingdom.
- The master of ships, latterly renamed the grand admiral, is the head of naval military forces.
- The master of whispers, sometimes called the spymaster, is the head of intelligence.
- The Grand Maester serves as advisor to the council on matters of lore and wisdom.
- The High Septon as advisor to the council on matters of faith.
In addition, by tradition the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the Wardens of the respective territories are also members of the small council, although their duties mean they are not always present. The small council may also call upon others for advice, as needed.