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Lord Qarl Corbray was the head of House Corbray and the Lord of Heart's Home during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen.


Lord Qarl joined the host of Prince Aegon Targaryen at Pinkmaiden Castle, rallying for his cause of opposing King Maegor I Targaryen.

The host marched towards King's Landing, but was soon surrounded by several smaller forces who remained loyal to King Maegor. Lord Corbray advised the prince to attack each force in turn, however the young prince ignored his advice, and continued the march to King's Landing. The Battle Beneath the God's Eye ensued, during which Aegon was killed by Maegor and Balerion. The only notable casualty on the royalist side was Ser Davos Darklyn, who was slain by Lord Corbray and Lady Forlorn.

Half a year of trials and executions ensued, but Maegor's mother, Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen persuaded her son to spare some of the rebellious lords, though they were stripped of some of their lands and give up hostages. Lord Corbray was amongst the lords spared, and lived through Maegor's reign.

After the death of King Maegor, he was named Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing and granted a place on the small council of King Jaehaerys I, as part of Jaehaerys' attempts to reconcile the supporters and enemies of his predecessor.

When searching for a bride for the king, Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon considered a female member of House Corbray, due to Qarl's loyal support to her sons. After the king wed his own sister, Alysanne, Lord Rogar Baratheon proposed casting down Jaehaerys, and instead crowning Princess Aerea Targaryen in his place. Lord Corbray refused to support him. Grand Maester Benifer noted that Lord Corbray feared the possibility of dragon fighting dragon, which he had seen during the Battle Beneath the God's Eye. When Rogar was dismissed from being Hand of the King by Alyssa, he disagreed, saying that no woman could dismiss him. Lord Corbray drew Lady Forlorn, and placed it on the table, facing Rogar, as a threat. Qarl also hid Aerea Targaryen, preventing Ser Ronnal Baratheon from taking her to Storm's End.

After King Jaehaerys reached his majority in 50 AC, Lord Corbray was retained in his post at the City Watch and on the small council. After the death of the High Septon in 54 AC, Lord Corbray and Lord Daemon Velaryon advocated a show of force, with Qarl stating that he could lead a force to prevent the elevation of Septon Mattheus, a staunch opponent to the Targaryens. When Balerion returned to King's Landing with the dying Princess Aerea, Lord Corbray was inspecting the East Barracks of the City Watch. When the king thought of naming Septon Barth as his Hand, Qarl reminded him of the cleric's low birth, though the king shrugged him off.

When an outbreak of the Shivers ravaged the kingdom in 59 AC, Qarl was amongst those who succumbed to the disease.
