Ser Lancel Lannister is an anointed knight of House Lannister and the eldest son of Ser Kevan Lannister and Dorna Swyft. He serves as a squire to King Robert Baratheon.
Appearances and Character[]
Lancel is said to closely resemble his cousin, Ser Jaime Lannister. He is young, strong and handsome. He has green eyes and sandy hair. He is later described as grey faced and gaunt, with hollow cheeks and hair as brittle and white as chalk.
Lancel is humorless, known for his impatience, and sometimes he becomes arrogant.
A Game of Thrones[]
Lancel squires for King Robert during the Hand's Tourney. Before the jousting on the second day, he attempts to fit Robert into his armour. After Lord Eddard Stark points out that Robert is too fat for his armour, Robert sends Lance to speak to Ser Aron Santagar about fetching the breastplate stretcher. Lancel then runs off to do so.
While being king Robert Baratheon squire, Lancel is given very strong wine by Queen Cersei that is several times stronger than Robert is used to, and told to give him as much as possible when Robert is hunting in the Kingswood. King Robert is later killed by a wild boar during that hunting trip.
A Clash of Kings[]
After being knighted, Cersei takes him as her lover. When Tyrion Lannister finds out, he uses it as leverage to make Lancel his informer.
Lancel fights in the Battle of the Blackwater, though he is severely injured. For his services, Lancel's uncle and Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister, names him the new Lord of Darry in the riverlands, as a sop to his brother and Lancel's father, Ser Kevan Lannister.
A Feast for Crows[]
Lancel is present for the wake of his uncle, Lord Tywin, and corners Cersei afterwards. he tries to confess his love to her, and does not sound happy about his marriage to Amerei Frey.