The Iron Fleet is the main war fleet of the Ironborn . It contains one hundred ships, and it is commanded by Victarion Greyjoy . The title for the captain is: Lord Captain. Each ship is crewed by men fron different islands, unlike the normal Ironborn longships. And each ship is a heavy armed ship, designed for war, rather then for raiding. The Ironborn have a far larger fleet than hundred, but those are mainly for raiding, not for war.
Some of the ships mentioned in the novels:
- Iron Victory (the ship of Victarion Greyjoy himself)
- Grief (the ship of Rodrik Sparr)
- Lord Quellon (the ship of Ralf the Limper)
- Lamentation (the ship of Tom Codd)
- Kite (the ship of Manfryd Merlyn)
- Red Jester (the ship of Red Ralf Stonehouse)
- Dagger (the ship of Daegon Shepherd)
Some other ships named, but with no captain mentioned:
- Iron Vengeance
- Hardhand
- Iron Wind
- Grey Ghost
- Lord Vickon
- Lord Dagon
- Maiden's Bane
- White Widow
- Woe
- Leviathan
- Reapers Wind
- Warhammer
- Dagon's Feast
- Red Tide
- Shark
- Ravenfeeder
- Iron Kiss
- Headless Jeyne
- Fear
- Sparrowhawk
- Fingerdancer
- Forlorn Hope
- Iron Wing
- Kraken's Kiss
- Seven Skulls
- Thrall's Bane
- Warrior Wench
- Iron Lady
- Noble Lady (a captured cog)
- Chiscari Dawn (a captured slaver from Ghis , renamed Red God's Wroth)
- Dove (a captured cog from Myr , renamed Shrike)
- Shade (a captured Ghis galley)
- Ghost (a captured Ghis galley)
- Willing Maiden (a caputerd Ghis galley, renamed Slaver's Scream)