A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

House Norcross is a noble house from the Reach.


Ser Jeffory Norcross, known as Neveryield, was a member of the Kingsguard.

Ser Hosman Norcross was a household knight in service to Ser Colin Florent when he received an offer to marry Colin's daughter, Delena. Her father had already declined a match with Tyrion Lannister, who had been offered only after Delena was despoiled by King Robert I Baratheon in the wedding bed of her cousin, Selyse, and his brother, Stannis. The result of that union was Edric Storm.


A Feast for Crows[]

Ser Bayard Norcross is among the household knights who spend time with Queen Margaery Tyrell. Queen Cersei Lannister has an arrest warrant signed for Bayard as part of her plan to get rid of Margaery. He is sent to the dungeons of the Red Keep after his arrest.

House Norcross in A Song of Ice and Fire[]

The known Norcrosses during the timespan of the events described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:

With unspecified familiar relationship with this branch there is also:

  • Ser Bayard Norcross, a household knight of Highgarden.

Historical Members[]

  • Ser Tyler Norcross, who fought for the greens in the Dance of the Dragons.
  • Ser Jeffory Norcross, better known as Neveryield, member of the Kingsguard.