A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

House Mullendore is a noble house from the Reach, sworn to House Hightower of Oldtown. Their seat is Uplands, located to the east of Oldtown. Their sigil is black and orange butterflies on a white field. The current head of the house is Lord Martyn Mullendore.


In 55 AC, Lord Mullendore was married to Jennis Templeton. It was considered an excellent match for her, and a triumph for Queen Alysanne Targaryen.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Lord Mullendore declared for the blacks, going against the will of his Hightower overlords.

Ser Matthew Mullendore participated in the Tourney at Ashford Meadow. His coat of arms was spotted by Duncan the Tall.

During a tourney at Oldtown, Blackshield, secretly the Bastard of Uplands, was unhorsed and unmasked by Ser Barristan Selmy.


A Clash of Kings[]

House Mullendore initially support Renly Baratheon's claim for the Iron Throne. Ser Mark Mullendore is a popular member of Renly's army, largely due to his trained black-and-white monkey. After Renly's death, Mark goes over to Stannis Baratheon.

Mark loses his arm and his monkey at the Battle of the Blackwater, and is amongst the nobles taken prisoner by House Baratheon of King's Landing. He bends the knee before King Joffrey I Baratheon. An Uplands man-at-arms is killed by Alyn Ambrose during the battle.

A Feast for Crows[]

Taena Merryweather reports to Queen Cersei Lannister that Megga Tyrell is smitten by Mark. Cersei has an arrest warrant for Mark signed as part of her plan to remove Margaery Tyrell from a position of power. He is sent to the dungeons of the Red Keep after his arrest.

Members of House Mullendore during the Books[]

With unknown relationship to the main branch:

Historical Members[]
