A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

House Dalt of Lemonwood is a house of landed knights from Dorne, and their head is known as the Knight of Lemonwood. Their seat of Lemonwood is located south of the mouth of the Greenblood, close to the city of Sunspear.


Ser Deziel Dalt and his brother, Ser Andrey, both desired to marry Princess Arianne Martell in the past.

Recent Events[]

A Storm of Swords[]

Ser Deziel Dalt is among the Dornish nobles who accompany Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing.

A Feast for Crows[]

Among Doran Martell's favorite children at the Water Gardens is a Dalt boy whose relationship with the main branch is uncertain.

Ser Andrey Dalt is among Princess Arianne Martell's dearest friends. He joins Arianne in her plan to crown Princess Myrcella Baratheon and is one of the conspirators who try to bring her to the Hellholt. For participating in Arianne's conspiracy, Andrey is sent to Norvos for three years to serve Lady Mellario.

While prisoner in the Spear Tower of Sunspear, Arianne thinks Deziel is too dutiful to fight for her against his liege lord, her father Doran, and the Knight of Lemonwood is not powerful enough to defy the Prince of Dorne.

House Dalt during the timespan of A Song of Ice and Fire[]

The known Dalts during the timespan of the events described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:
