Great houses[]
- House Boggs
- House Brune of Brownhollow
- House Brune of the Dyre Den
- House Buckwell of the Antlers
- House Byrch
- House Bywater
- House Cave
- House Celtigar of Claw Isle (After the Battle of the Blackwater)
- House Chelsted
- House Chyttering
- House Crabb
- House Cressey
- House Edgerton
- House Farring
- House Follard
- House Gaunt
- House Hardy
- House Harte
- House Hayford
- House Hogg of Sow's Horn
- House Kettleblack
- House Langward
- House Longwaters
- House Mallery
- House Manning
- House Massey of Stonedance
- House Pyle
- House Pyne
- House Rambton
- House Rollingford
- House Rosby of Rosby
- House Rykker of Duskendale
- House Slynt
- House Staunton of Rook's Rest
- House Stokeworth of Stokeworth
- House Thorne
- House Wendwater of Wendwater
The Stormlands[]
- House Bolling
- House Buckler of Bronzegate
- House Cafferen of Fawnton
- House Connington of Griffin's Roost
- House Dondarrion of Blackhaven
- House Errol of Haystack Hall
- House Estermont of Greenstone
- House Foote of Nightsong
- House Gower
- House Hasty
- House Herston
- House Kellington
- House Lonmouth
- House Mertyns of Mistwood
- House Musgood
- House Penrose of Parchments
- House Rogers of Amberly
- House Selmy of Harvest Hall
- House Staedmon of Broad Arch
- House Swann of Stonehelm
- House Swygert
- House Tarth of Evenfall Hall
- House Trant of Gallowsgrey
- House Tudbury
- House Wagstaff