A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

Ser Helman Tallhart is the Master of Torrhen's Square and the head of House Tallhart.


A Game of Thrones[]

When Catelyn Stark leaves King's Landing, she is given instructions by her husband, Eddard Stark, to command Ser Helman and Lord Galbart Glover to fortify Moat Cailin with a hundred bowmen each. This order never gets sent.

Helman leads the Tallhart men to Winterfell when Robb Stark calls his banners. When the Stark army splits at the Twins, Robb leaves Helman behind with a garrison of 400 archers and swordsmen to ensure the loyalty of House Frey.

A Clash of Kings[]

Lord Edmure Tully orders Helman to depart the Twins and join up with the force of Roose Bolton, in an attempt to retake Harrenhal. Helman lays siege to Castle Darry, retaking it from the Lannister garrison.Roose orders him to torch the castle, kill the captives, and join forces with Robett Glover on his march to Duskendale.

A Storm of Swords[]

The force marching on Duskendale is defeated in battle by Lord Randyll Tarly. Helman is killed in the fighting, along with most of their force. He predeceases his son, Benfred, and younger brother, Leobald, so his daughter Eddara becomes the Lady of Torrhen's Square.
