A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

Fair Isle is an island ruled by House Farman. It is part of the area known as the Westerlands.


It is located in the Sunset Sea, and is separated from the rest of the Westerlands by the Straits of Fair Isle. It is southwest of The Crag, and is to the north of Kayce and Feastfires.


During the Age of Heroes, the Farman kings used their longships to protect Fair Isle and the western coast of Westeros from the Ironborn raiders. Fair Isle was added into the Kingdom of the Rock when Tommen I Lannister married the daughter of the last Farman king. At some point, Gylbert Farman successfully led the smallfolk of Fair Isle in rebellion against the Ironborn kings. King Erich V Harlaw eventually recaptured the island, but lost it in his old age.

Lord Dalton Greyjoy, known as the Red Kraken, captured Fair Isle during the Dance of the Dragons.The Ironborn raided Fair Isle during the reign of King Aerys I Targaryen, making off with half its wealth. Stannis Baratheon defeated Victarion Greyjoy in a sea battle off Fair Isle during the Greyjoy Rebellion.


A Dance with Dragons[]

Arron and Emrick, twins from Fair Isle, join the Night's Watch.
