A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

Dorna Swyft is a lady of House Swyft and the wife of Ser Kevan Lannister. She is the mother of his children, Lancel, Willem, Martyn, and Janei Lannister.

Appearance and Character[]

According to Cersei Lannister, she is chinless, chicken-legged, and flat-chested.

Kevan Lannister believes her to be a gentle soul, only comfortable at home, surrounded by friends and family. She dreamed of having grandchildren, and is very devout. She loves needlework and flowers.


When Dorna was younger her father borrowed large sums of money from Lord Tytos Lannister. After the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Ser Tywin Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock, demanded that all those who took loans from House Lannister had to repay them immediately. Those unable to do so had to surrender a family member as hostage until they were able to do so.

Ser Harys Swyft, unable to pay at the time, handed Dorna over to the custody of Ser Kevan Lannister. The two were eventually married.


A Dance with Dragons[]

Ser Kevan thinks of Dorna before his death at the hands of Varys.
