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- House Harlaw
- House Baelish
- House Baratheon of King's Landing
- House Beesbury
- House Belmore
- House Bettley
- House Blackfyre
- House Blacktyde
- House Blackwood
- House Borrell
- House Botley
- House Bracken
- House Brax
- House Bulwer
- House Corbray
- House Costayne
- House Crane
- House Darry
- House Drumm
- House Farwynd of the Lonely Light
- House Florent
- House Gardener
- House Goodbrook
- House Goodbrother
- House Greyiron
- House Harte
- House Hayford
- House Hightower
- House Justman
- House Lefford
- House Locke
- House Mallister
- House Manderly
- House Marbrand
- House Massey
- House Mooton
- House Mudd
- House Mullendore
- House Peake
- House Piper
- House Reed
- House Reyne
- House Roote
- House Rosby
- House Saltcliffe
- House Sparr
- House Stackspear
- House Stokeworth
- House Stonetree
- House Stout
- House Strong
- House Sunderly
- House Swyft
- House Teague
- House Thorne
- House Tollett
- House Umber
- House Velaryon
- House Westerling
- House Whent